Scandinavian Society of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy Foundation

Application period: 1 December 2024 - 1 February 2025

For research related to the treatment of infectious diseases

The Foundation distributes grants for research or travel related to the treatment of infectious diseases with antibacterial, antiviral, antimycotic or antiparasitic agents. The assets of the Foundation originates from the earnings of the 18th International Congress of Chemotherapy in Stockholm in 1993.


Applications can only be made via the online application system

Applicants must be members of the Nordic Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, NSCMID. The membership must have been granted no later than November 1st the year before the application. For membership application visit

Please note;

  • The application must be written in English.
  • The application can be made either for a research grant or a travel grant.
  • Only applications related to the treatment of infectious diseases with antibacterial, antiviral, antimycotic or antiparasitic agents will be considered for funding.
  • The same research project can receive a grant for a maximum of three consecutive years.
  • Research projects with Nordic collaboration are encouraged.
  • Only one application per applicant is allowed per year.
  • Previous grants must be reported before new grants can be requested. All grants received more than two years ago must be reported before new grants can be considered.
  • Curriculum vitae must be entered on the "User account" (personkort) using the application system (Researchweb). Information about how to submit the CV on the "User account"  can be found under "help and service for applicants" (hjälp och service för sökande).

Decisions on the grants will be communicated to the applicants via email by end of June. The names of the awardees, the titles of their research projects and the amounts awarded will also be published on the NSCMID website. It is suggested that the grants would be transferred to the university or hospital where the research is carried out. Grants must be requested the same calendar year they were received, i.e. not later than 31st December, the year of application

The grant should have been used by the end of December the year after the grant was received. Extension of the grant disposal time can only be approved under exceptional circumstances. A request for an extension must be submitted before the expiration of the disposal time. The disposal time can be extended for a maximum of one year.

An economic report and a short scientific summary should, within two years after receiving the grant, be entered into the application system. A summary of approximately 50-100 words, to be published on the NSCMID website, must also be included. Each grant must be reported separately in the corresponding application.

In articles to be published, the Scandinavian Society of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy Foundation, should be acknowledged.

More information

Karina Umander
+46 (0)70-695 60 95