Webbinar - Laparoskopisk ljumskbråckskirurgi
Hur lyckas man med sin laparoskopiska ljumskbråckskirurgi; tips och trix baserat på 30 års erfarenhet!
Svensk Kirurgisk Förening i samarbete med SLS arrangerar webbinar den 4 juni kl. 15.30-16.30.
Föreläsare: Johanna Österberg, överläkare i kirurgi, Mora lasarett
Webbinariet är kostnadsfritt.
Varmt välkommen!
TID: Tisdag 4 juni kl. 15.30-16.30
ARRANGÖR: Svensk Kirurgisk Förening i samarbete med Svenska Läkaresällskapet
Om föreläsaren:
Johanna Österberg is a senior consultant surgeon at Mora hospital, a high volume center for laparoscopic surgery, especially for hernia and obesity surgery. Mora was one of the hospitals that formed the Swedish Hernia Register 1992. Johanna is an esteemed member of the board of the Swedish hernia register and also chairman for the Swedish Registry for Gallstone Surgery and ERCP (GallRiks). She was for ten years in the faculty of the Swedish Association for Innovative Surgical Technology (SIKT) and also their chairman for some years.
She started with laparoscopic hernia surgery already in the early 90´s. Johanna have continued to develop the techniques and have been organizing many courses and workshops and she has been involved in our national guidelines for inguinal hernia surgery. Johanna supervise PhD students and have ongoing research in hernia surgery, gallbladder- and bariatric surgery, mostly based on data from national registers. Johanna was also part of the scientific committee and planned the Hernia 2021 in Copenhagen.