International Congress on Electrocardiography 2024


Welcome to Lund for the 49th International Congress on Electrocardiology! 12-14 June 2024

On behalf of the organizing committee, we are pleased to welcome you to the 49th International Congress Congress on Electrocardiology on June 12th-14th 2024 in Lund, Sweden!

This year’s congress, jointly organized by the International Society of Electrocardiology (ISE) and the International Society for Holter and Non-invasive Electrocardiology (ISHNE), covers a broad range of topics from basic cellular aspects to clinical applications. The event will highlight new technologies in electrocardiology, cardiac arrhythmias, cardiogenetics and device therapy by bringing together healthcare professionals, engineers and researchers active in the field.

The congress features several keynote lectures which provide excellent opportunities to learn about the state-of-the art in different areas. To ensure that the next generation of researchers and health care professionals can attend and benefit there will be a reduced conference fee for students.

Accepted abstracts will be published in the Journal of Electrocardiology and a Young Investigator Award will be conferred.

About the congress

We hope to see you there!

Frida Sandberg & Pyotr Platonov
Co-Chairs for the local organization committee